OCness is Not Hereditary

This is not even half as messy as the home I grew up in with 3 brothers!

This is not even half as messy as the home I grew up in with 3 brothers!

I grew up in a not-so-neat home. My mom isn’t one of those moms who would create pinteresty ways of organizing stuff around the house. She isn’t the super artsy Martha Stewart kinda woman but I love her. I’m not writing this because I resent her. I just realized, at this point in my life, how different we are.  Lately I noticed how uncomfortable I feel when things are not in order at home, how concerned I am when I see dust on the cabinets. Then it just dawned upon me – I may have a mild case of OCness for cleanliness. Quite surprising for someone like me who grew up in a bit of an unkempt home with 3 rowdy brothers haha!


Daintiness and prettiness definitely not a thing in our testosterone infused home.

Daintiness and prettiness definitely not a thing in our testosterone infused home.

I just have this persistent urge to tidy up when things are not in order. I will not last a day or a week without attempting to solve one of life’s endless pursuit of organizing chaos.  I have  learned from my genetics class that Phenotype is equals to Genetics and Environment. In this case, I have both the genes (from the mama and dada who isn’t exactly fond of cleaning up)  and I grew up in THAT environment yet right now in my adulthood, I can’t stand a pile of laundry or an uncleaned bathroom. Haha!


I realized, in the past year  I settled in our own home, that keeping up with the dirt and uncleanness takes A LOT of energy and effort. I have made a decision not to hire help because nowadays, it’s hard to find a trustworthy help. I have my own fair share of experience where the household help stole money from us or just left goes AWOL  and let strangers enter our house. I feel that the risks of  hiring help outweigh its benefits. Aside from that, we live in a very small space and helps want their own room or space – something that I cannot give them. Anyway, this decision brings a lot of things on my plate.



Being a homemaker puts a lot in our plate as women

Being a homemaker puts a lot in our plate as women

On the first few months, I made a schedule wherein I do cleaning on a weekly basis. I figured out that schedule has made my place super spic and span however, I feel that I was robbed of time for myself. With time for myself I mean – time for my hobbies or reading books or earning my own money – in short, ME time. I want a schedule that will allow me to have fun, have a clean, organized home, have time for my baby and my husband. Sounds like a job for Superwoman eh?!

Right now I am down to trying to do major cleaning every other week. The week after my “intensive clean” week will be my ME time week where I get to do whatever I want hence this blog. For the ME time weeks I intend to just concentrate on high traffic areas and do rapid clean for other areas of the house. I have implemented it this week – I just baked, cooked, set up this blog. Next will be my intensive clean week. I will let you know to see how it goes haha!

I am wondering if there are other wonder moms out there who can share their cleaning schedule so maybe I can pick up a thing or two? Share it in the comments area 🙂 Hope to hear from you.